– VCRIS 2024 –

December 03-04, 2024

Academy of Cryptography Techniques, Hanoi, Vietnam


Day 1: Opening and Keynote Sessions

8:00 – 8:30: Registration and Welcome Coffee

            Venue: Meeting hall

8:30 – 8:50: Opening Ceremony (Meeting hall)

  • Opening speech by the host organization (the ACT) leader and the conference general chair (5’). Prof. Nguyen Hieu Minh
  • Welcome address by the sponsor and distinguished guests, if possible (5’)
  • PC Chair’s scientific report of VCRIS2024 (10’ slides), Prof. Bui Thu Lam

8:50 – 9:35: Keynote Session 1 (Meeting hall)

  • Keynote Speaker: Prof. Edgar Weippl, University of Vienna, Austria
  • Topic: Exposing Network Vulnerabilities: Security Insights from Tor, VoWiFi, and Cellular Networks
    Chair: Prof. Junbeom Hur

9:35 – 9:50: Invited Session (Meeting hall)

  • Invited Speaker:  Dr. Nguyen Bui Cuong, Institute of Cryptographic Science and Technology, Vietnam
    Topic: MKV: A New Block Cipher of Vietnam for the Post-Quantum Cryptography Transition
    Chair: Dr. Le Van Hai and Prof. Nguyen Hieu Minh

9:50 – 10:05:

Group Photo

Coffee Break

10:05 – 10:50: Keynote Session 2 (Meeting hall)

  • Keynote Speaker: Prof. Sylvain Guilley, General Manager and CTO at Secure-IC, France
  • Topic: Secure implementation of Post-Quantum Cryptography
    Chair: Prof. Nguyen Le Minh

10:50 – 12:10: Scientific Paper Presentations (Parallel Sessions)

  • Session 1 (Meeting hall)
    • Chair: Dr. Dao Ba Anh (ACT), Prof. Hoang Van Phuc (LQDTU)
    • 4 full papers, 20 minutes per presentation.
5Chik How Tan and Theo Fanuela PrabowoShort Lee-metric Code-based Signature
6Vikas Kumar, Ali Raya, Aditi Kar Gangopadhyay and Sugata GangopadhyayDimension Reduction Attack on Noncommutative Group Ring NTRU over the Dihedral Group
28Phuc-Phan Duong, Ba-Anh Dao, Thai-Ha Tran, Trong-Hung Nguyen, Trong-Thuc Hoang and Cong-Kha PhamResource-Efficient 4×4 S-boxes Using Chaotic Map
7Eri Nakajima, Keisuke Hara and Kyosuke YamashitaOn Multi-Key FuncCPA Secure Encryption Schemes
  • Session 2 (Room 2.1)
    • Chair: Dr. Mai Duc Tho (ACT), Prof. Nguyen Ngoc Hoa (VNU)
    • 3 full papers, 20 minutes per presentation.
17Le Thi Hong Van, Le Duc Thuan, Pham Van Huong and Nguyen Hieu MinhA New Method to Improve the CNN Configuration for IoT Attack Detection Problem based on the Genetic Algorithm and Multi-Objective Approach
41Duc-Tho Mai, Lam-Tra Nguyen, Nga Tran Thi, Duc-Cong Nguyen and Thanh-Nam PhamAn IoT Security Attack Classification Solution on the Perception Layer Using Shallow Machine Learning
42Hoang V. Vo, Hanh P. Du and Hoa N. NguyenAWDLID: Augmented WGAN and Deep Learning for Improved Intrusion Detection


12:15 – 14:00: Lunch Break

Afternoon Sessions

14:00 – 16:30: Scientific Paper Presentations (Parallel Sessions)

  • Session 3 (Meeting hall)
    • Chair: Dr. Le Van Hai (Institue of Cryptography Science -Tecnology),
    • 5 full papers, 20 minutes per presentation.
1Phuc La Huu and Kien Vu VanA simple and low-cost quantum random number generator based on coherent states
32Trong-Hung Nguyen, Duc-Thuan Dam, Phuc-Phan Duong, Cong-Kha Pham and Trong-Thuc HoangA Compact SHA3 Implementation for Post-quantum Cryptography
14h40-15h30 Coffee break
34Phetphachan Thammasith, Trung Hieu Nguyen and Hieu Minh NguyenSecure Network Coding Based on The Integer Factorization Problem
2Dinh Van Linh, Nguyen Tuan Anh, Dang Thi Thu Huong, Hoang Thi Phuong Thao and Vu Van YemCrypto-coding method based on the components of Turbo code
43Ba Anh Dao, Ngoc-Quynh Nguyen and Chung-Tien NguyenA “Kuznyechik” block cipher accelerator for RISC-V System-on-Chip
  • Session 4 (Room 2.1)
    • Chair: Dr. Pham Duy Trung (ACT), Dr. Nguyen Viet Hung (LADTU)
    • 6 full papers, 20 minutes per presentation.
30Phi-Ho Truong, Tien-Dung Nguyen, Xuan-Hung Truong, Nhat-Hai Nguyen and Duy-Trung PhamEmploying a CNN detector to identify AI-generated images and against attacks on AI systems
25Dong Bui-Huu, Tan Le-Nhat and Khuong Nguyen-AnBlockchain-Powered e-Wallet: Enhancing Security and Fraud Detection in Online Payments
24Van Quan Nguyen, Long Thanh Ngo, Viet Hung Nguyen, Le Minh Nguyen and Nhien-An Le-KhacA Deep Metric Learning Approach for Cyber Reconnaissance Detection
15h-15h30 Coffee break
10Hoang-Nam Tram and Thai-Son NguyenHigh-Capacity RDH in Encrypted Images based on Interpolation Mechanism
45Pham Minh Thuan, Bui Thu Lam and Pham Duy TrungSpatial Vision Transformer: A Novel Approach to Deepfake Video Detection
49Tuyen T. Nguyen, Huyen T.T Vu and Hoa N. NguyenSecurity, Privacy, and Ethical Challenges of Artificial Intelligence in Large Language Model Scope: A Comprehensive Survey


16:30: Transport to Gala Dinner venue

17:00: Gala dinner

Day 2: Keynotes and Scientific Sessions

8:30 – 9:15: Keynote Session 3 (Meeting hall)

  • Keynote Speaker: Prof. Kwangjo Kim, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea
    Title: SOLMAE: Faster and simpler quantum-safe signature based on NTRU-lattices
    Chair: Prof. Bui Thu Lam

9:15 – 10:00: Keynote Session 4 (Meeting hall)

  • Keynote Speaker: Prof. Jean-Yves Marion, LORIA, University of Lorraine, France
    Topic: A comprehensive view of the malware ecosystem is essential
    Chair: Prof. Mizuhito Ogawa

10:00 – 10:15: Coffee break

10:15 – 11:35: Scientific Paper Presentations (Parallel Sessions)

  • Session 5 (Meeting hall)
    • Chair: Dr. Tran Thi Luong (ACT), Dr. Nguyen Chung Tien (ACT)
    • 4 full papers, 20 minutes per presentation.
38Quang-Huy Tran, Hieu-Minh Nguyen, Thi-Bac Do, Van-Quyen Phung, Tuan-Dat Duong and Phuc-Phan DuongProposed Novel Architectures for Constructing Lightweight Dynamic S-Boxes
14Linh Hoang Dinh, Luong Tran Thi and Long Nguyen VanOn the Mathematical Aspects of Cryptographic randomness Tests using Discrete Fourier Transform
15Santu PalRecycling of Grain-v1 for faster communication
26Ha Hai Pham, Duc Chinh Bui, Ngoc Vinh Hao Nguyen, Van Hai Le, Quoc Tien Dinh and Van-Phuc HoangSide-Channel Attack on Implementation of AES T-Box Encryption on STM32 Microcontroller Board


  • Session 6 (Room 2.1)
    • Chair: Prof. Ta Minh Thanh (LQDTU), Dr. Le Anh Tien (ACT)
    • 4 full papers, 20 minutes per presentation.
37Yen Pham, Thanh Minh Ta and Minh Hieu NguyenNovel Blind Colour Image Watermarking Technique Using Cholesky Decomposition
47Ngoc-Giau Pham, Anh-Khoa Ngo Dinh, Phuoc-Hung Vo and Hong-Ngoc TranI-SteganoGAN: Comprehensive Enhancement of Steganographic Models for Robust Digital Communication Security
48Dai Duong Tang, Van Quan Nguyen, Viet Hung Nguyen, Thanh Cong Nguyen and Nathan ShoneA Novel Deep Learning Approach with Magnet Loss Optimization for Website Attack Detection
39Anh-Tien Le and Van Huong PhamOptimizing Transformer Models for Prompt Jailbreak Attack Detection in AI Assistant Systems


11:35 – 14:00: Lunch Break

Afternoon Sessions

14:00 – 15:00: Scientific Paper Presentations

  • Session 7 for Short papers (Room 2.1)
    • Chair: Dr. Tran Thi Luong (ACT), Prof. Nguyen Long Giang (IOIT)
    • 4 full papers, 15 minutes per presentation.
8Yashrajsinh Parmar, Florian Caullery and Sonali KaleSecure Coordinate Rotation in Embedded Systems Using Homomorphic Encryption: Implementation and Evaluation on the Al-Saqr Platform
16Linh Khanh Dinh, Bac Thi Do, Nguyen Long Giang, Alexandr A. Moldovyan, Dmitriy N. Moldovyan and Anna A. KostinaDefining High-Dimensional Non-Commutative Algebras as Carriers for Post-Quantum Digital Signature Algorithms
33Pham Thanh Cong, Pham Van Huong and Le Quang MinhA Multi-objective Approach to Improve Hyper-parameters of CNN for Network Intrusion Detection Problem
35Ha V. Le, Hieu T. Hoang, On V. Phung and Hoa N. NguyenASAF: AI-powered Static Analysis Framework for Webshell Detection


15:00 – 15:30: Closing Ceremony

  • Summary of key discussions and outcomes.
  • Closing remarks by the organizing committee.